The Campus Bookstore regards the privacy of all users of utmost importance. We will take every means necessary to protect any information you may give to us. This includes Registry information such as your name and address, or Ordering Information such as Credit Card Information.

We employ SSL (more info about SSL) for your privacy in transmitting sensitive information. We will not accept personal data on any page that is not SSL enabled.

We will not rent, sell, loan or otherwise market your personal information to any third party. We will only use your information to process any order you may make with the Campus Bookstore, or only if you opt-in, we may e-mail you with specials or sales which you requested information.

It is important to note, that if we are compelled by any governmental authority of competent jurisdiction within Canada to release information regarding a registrant, we must do so. We assure you that this would be the only entity outside of the Campus Bookstore to be able to obtain information, and then only under court order.

Should you have any question pertaining to this policy, please feel free to contact us.